Board Members

All seats on the board are elected positions served in 3-year terms according to the association by-laws.


The board typically meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Zionsville Town Hall. 


Curtis Middaugh, President,

Oversees operations of the board and neighborhood business.


Lona Newton, Vice President,

Assists with operations of the board and neighborhood business. Leads board member recruitment efforts.


Tony Merlie, Treasurer,

Manages all accounts payable and receivable and budgets for neighborhood business. 


Marcie Geesey, Secretary,

Manages neighborhood roster and meeting notes.  


Jackie Mason, Town Liaison,

Liaison for the neighborhood with the Town of Zionsville government entities. 


Katie Wefler, Architectural Review Chair,

Reviews AR requests for covenant approval and chairs the AR Board. 


(Vacant), Community Involvement Chair,

Coordinates annual neighborhood events and greets new neighbors. 


Jason Mobley, Website Development Chair,

Manages all aspects of the neighborhood website.  


Robert Graves, Communications Chair,

Creates neighborhood newsletter and admin on the neighborhood Facebook page.


Architecture Review Board Committee:

Katie Wefler - Chair

Emily Foreman - Member

(vacant), Member

(vacant), Member

Committee members are not voting individuals on overarching Board decisions. If the board is tied on Architecture Review Request submissions, the chair will present the matter to the board for vote.